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Central Heating




Heating Services

We know that heat and hot water are at the heart of your home.  We are experts in maintaining, repairing and installing heating and hot water systems.

If you would like any further information on products best suited for your individual needs, please get in touch and we will be happy to advise.


All gas appliances require an annual service to keep them in good, safe, working order.

All new boilers require an annual service in order to keep their long warranties in place.



Sedement and sludge can form in central heating systems over time.

This causes circulation issues and huge inefficiencies in your system.  Using a high qualty flush machine and chemicals can restore your heating and save you money.

Power Flushing

System Sluge / Thermal Scan


We offer a range of boiler replacements from personally recommended manufacurers.


between 5 - 12 years

Installed from £1600

Boiler Replacement

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